Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pinko's English Mild Ale

After my Dole-bludger's Draught, I decided to make a richer, more complex beer. So, a few weeks ago, I picked up two can's of Black Rock's IPA and augmented this base with a caramalt grain pack, a kilo of dextrose and two types of hops. Feeling that the kits are usually bitter enough, I used the Styrian Goldings hops mainly for general "hoppiness"; these were added at 30 minutes prior to the end of the boil. And for aroma, I used Fuggles hops. (These were added within about 5 minutes of concluding the boil. This raw beer smells and tastes great. It is hoppy and caramel. You should be able to enjoy it all afternoon as, in the style of an English Mild, the alcohol by volume is only about 3.5 - 4.0%.
While the keg fills, I take a sip of my Dole-bludger's Draught.


Orbie said...

Hi Dave, I'm thinking of making a ginger beer. If you still have that old notebook could you please see if you can find out which kit base was the one that gave the nicer, more spicy beer? Also, any data on how many kilos of dextrose will result in what % alcohol? Thanks!

Alcifer said...

Hiya Orbie! I recall that Morgans was preferred over Brigalow and I think that it delivered a low alcohol concentration in the absence of additional sugar - perhaps 0.5%? And then each kilo of dextrose, in a 23 L batch, would raise the final alcohol concentration by about 2.0 - 2.5%. I'll read from the old log at the Rothbury Estate tomorrow evening and check my advice.

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