All kegs were, until this morning, empty at the Fox. This called for immediate action. I am shown below shaking a keg sterile.
The brew I kegged today is an approximation of the Rooftop Red Lager.
I loosely followed the recipe suggested at the Country Brewer.1
- Cooper's Lager, 1.7kg
- Cooper's Dry Light Malt Extract, 0.5kg
- Corn Starch, 0.25kg
- Dextrose, 0.25kg
- Cracked Crystal Malt, 0.3kg
- Hersbrucker Hops, 12g
- Saflager Yeast, 10g
The 21L brew had an OG of 1.039 and FG of 1.007. The final alcohol concentration is approximately 4.2% (v/v), or 1.4 standard drinks per schooner. (The genuine article is 4.7%, or 1.6 standard drinks per schooner). The development of this brew is exhibited graphically below.

Brewing is often a learning process, and in this brew I learnt another new item. Corn starch is not equivalent to maltodextrin. Maltodextrin can be manufactured from corn starch by breaking some of the very long starch (carbohydrate) polymers down into smaller fragments. Maltodextrin is water-soluble and partially accessible to yeast as a food-source. Corn starch, which I mistakenly included in this brew, is insoluble in water and inaccessible to yeast. As such, is fell from suspension and was discarded from the vat while cleaning.
see how turns out with that corn starch, would of been a pain to get that glue out of the vat?
Bottling is planned this week, I promise it will happen!
The corn starch settled as a silt and was easily dislodged. Your ginger beer will be going in to bottles this week then? Who has scrubbed your bottles in preparation?
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